Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Under a Summer Sky

Glistening, glittering.
The eyes of a thousand suns,
A million worlds,
Look down on me on a cool summer night.

Seconds, minutes, hours have passed
Since I last visited here,
Where orchestral music of the night
Serenades my ever wandering soul,
Searching for, yearning for,
A moment of solitude.

I am blessed.

Love abounds here,
Surrounds my existence
With beauty divine.
My heart consumed with
Dreams and visions
Of a supreme being,
Who has set in motion
The perfect comedy of life.

Days and nights of good and bad,
Swirling into a mix of perfection.
There have been cold winter storms
And sunny days in paradise,
A symphony of chaotic bliss.

I am blessed.

With love. With life.
With happiness and despair.
With days I didn't want to move,
And nights I danced until dawn.
With the family I call friends,
And friends I call family.
With the worst of days, and the best of days.

And still it continues.
It's busy, it's messy,
It's boring,
it's a whirlwind of mystery,
a portrait of a complete and broken man.
It has mountains to climb, valleys to cross,
A sea of wonder,
It continues.

I am blessed.